Green-light your next business purchase or project with a tailored loan.

Address a variety of financing needs, including equipment purchases, renovation projects, expansion initiatives, technology upgrades and more.

Focused on the bottom line

Fixed, competitive rates 

Flexible payment terms up to five years

Get the financing you need for your business plans

Louisiana business owners have long trusted Neighbors to create loan programs customized to specific industries and goals. When you work with our commercial lending professionals, you'll connect with a team that knows how to address your company's needs and cash-flow situation.

  • Loans are typically secured by the assets being financed
  • Get personal assistance from commercial lenders with experience in various industries

Take a few minutes to complete our contact form and a member of the Neighbors Commercial Services team will contact you to discuss your options. 

We want to make this process as easy as possible. Please review this information about documents and identification required to open your Neighbors business account. 

New Business Member Documentation Requirements

In an effort to make your business account opening as convenient as possible please review the following documentation and identification requirements.

Requirements for All Ownership Types

  • Each owner/officer and authorized signer must be present to sign the Business Account Agreement and Authorization Resolution or have signatures notarized on the forms.
  • Each owner/officer and authorized signer must provide a valid Driver’s License (primary picture ID), Social Security number, and secondary ID.
  • A Federal Tax Payer (TIN) or Employer ID Number (EIN) IRS Form SS-4.

Sole Proprietorship

An unincorporated business owned by an individual (or husband and wife)

  • Assumed Name Certificate stamped by parish Clerk of Court or Trade Name in Active Status with Louisiana Secretary of state (also known as a DBA or Doing Business As)

Partnership (General, Limited, Limited Liability)

An unincorporated business co-owned by two or more individuals or entities

  • Trade Name in Active Status with Louisiana Secretary of State (also known as a DBA or Doing Business As) or partnership Name or Assumed Name Certificate stamped by parish Clerk of Court
  • Duly executed Partnership Agreement with modifications or amendments

Limited Liability Company (LLC)

An unincorporated business operated by one or more members

  • Active Status with Louisiana Secretary of State
  • If the LLC is doing business as (DBA) under a different name, Trade Name in Active Status with Louisiana Secretary of state
  • Written Operating Agreement with modifications or amendments (if applicable)

Corporation (Profit or Non-Profit including C-Corp., S-Corp., Professional Corp.)

A distinct legal entity separate from its owners or shareholders. Non-profit corporations must be recognized by the IRS as exempt from Federal Income Tax

  • Active Status with Louisiana Secretary of State
  • Copy of last meeting minutes designating election of officers and/or individuals with authority to open bank accounts
  • Corporate Resolution authorizing specific officers to act on behalf of the corporation and sign documents or corporate seal
  • If the Corporation is doing business as (DBA) under a different name, Trade Name in Active Status with Louisiana Secretary of State
  • Certified copy of Bylaws (if applicable)

Girl Scout Troop Accounts

All troop accounts will be under the name and TIN of Girl Scouts Louisiana East Inc.

  • Bank Resolution from Girl Scouts Louisiana East (GSLE) with names of individuals authorized to open bank accounts, this form is signed and provided by GSLE by submitting a Troop Bank Account Verification & ACH Authorization Form to GSLE

Business Member Identification Requirements

New Accounts and Addition of Signatories documentation requirements should be valid primary identification including picture, description of person, and signature. Two forms of identification should be documented as either two forms of primary identification or one primary and one secondary. Forms of primary and secondary identification are listed below:

Primary Identification

  • Current State-Issued Driver’s License; or
  • Current State Issued Identification Card; or
  • Active U.S. Military Identification Card; or
  • Current Passport; or
  • Active U.S. Government Identification

Secondary Identification

  • Social Security Card; or
  • Voter’s Registration Card; or
  • Birth Certificate; or
  • State or Local Government Identification; or
  • A Bank Issued Credit/Check Card; or
  • Employer Issued Picture Identification; or
  • Auto or Medical Insurance Card bearing the customer’s name; or
  • Marriage License; or
  • State of Louisiana issued gun permit; or
  • Transportation Worker Identification Card (TWIC card)

Beginning January 1, 2024, many companies in the United States will have to report information about their beneficial owners, i.e., the individuals who ultimately own or control the company. The change comes in how your company’s beneficial ownership information will need to be reported to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). FinCEN is a bureau of the U.S. Department of the Treasury.

As of May 11, 2018, financial institutions are subject to new rules under the Bank Secrecy Act that will aid the government to help combat acts of terrorism and other national security threats.

New business accounts are required to provide identifying information (name, address, date of birth, social security number), as well as identification documents for each owner that maintains ownership interest of (25% or more of the business) as well as any designated owner or non-owners identified as having significant managerial control of the business.

We understand the sensitive the nature of the information being requested, however, to comply with the law, we MUST obtain this information. Neighbors FCU has a high standard in relation to safeguarding our members’ private information. We assure you that any information collected on your behalf will be secure and properly maintained with the utmost care.

Understanding Beneficial Ownership

The new rule applies to any formalized entity wishing to establish or maintain accounts at any financial institution. Business owners are required, under the new regulation, to identify and attest to all individuals considered beneficial owner(s) and choose a designated control person (e.g., Managing Member, Authorized Corporate Officer, Director or a General Partner etc.) of the business regardless if they may or may not currently be a member of Neighbors Federal Credit Union.

Getting Started

We are here to help. If you would like to begin or if you have already received information from us to update your Beneficial Ownership Information and have questions, please call us at 225-819-2178.

After completing the form, you may bring it with a copy of the driver’s license and a second form of ID to any one of our branch locations. Please DO NOT email this sensitive information directly to any employee of Neighbors Federal Credit Union.

Beneficial Ownership FAQs

Beneficial Ownership is a regulation under federal law that requires all financial institutions to identify beneficial owners who own 25% or more in equity interest of the legal entity and the control person who has a significant responsibility in managing the entity. The purpose of the new regulation is to protect the overall financial system all financial institutions as well as our members.

It has been required for all financial institutions to collect information regarding beneficial ownership of all legal entities. The U.S. Government has implemented the new regulation of Beneficial Ownership to help fight against financial crimes. Neighbors Federal Credit Union must partake in upholding the new regulation in order to help the U.S. Government protect the financial system.

No, it is mandatory that all financial institutions comply with this new regulation.

You may ask, “Who is the owner?” Beneficial Owners are deciphered in two ways:

  • Ownership: any individual(s) who (directly or indirectly) owns 25% or more of equity interest in the entity (the area should be left blank if no one is specified in owning 25% or more in the business)

Control Person: A single individual whose responsibility is to control, manage, or direct a business. If there are multiple individuals listed on the Beneficial Ownership form – at least one of them will be selected as a Control Person. (For example, Managing Member, President, Director, etc.)

At account opening for new accounts and/or anytime a beneficial owner of the legal entity changes, the Beneficial Ownership Information collected will be as follows:

  • Full Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Address (Business or Residential street address, no P.O. Boxes)
  • Social Security Number or ITIN
  • Percentage of Ownership
  • Title (Control Person)

The person opening the account on behalf of the legal entity will sign a certification form attesting that the information given on the beneficial ownership is complete and accurate.

This change in regulation does not affect your existing accounts; however, for any future changes or financial requests on the account after the compliance date of May 11, 2018, information regarding beneficial ownership must be disclosed at that time.

Primary Identification

  • Current State Issued Driver’s License; or
  • Current State Issued Identification Card; or
  • Active U.S. Military Identification Card; or
  • Current Passport; or
  • Active U.S. Government Identification

Secondary Identification

  • Social Security Card; or
  • Voter’s Registration Card; or
  • Birth Certificate; or
  • State or Local Government Identification; or
  • A Bank Issued Credit/Check Card; or
  • Employer-Issued Picture Identification; or
  • Auto or Medical Insurance Card bearing the customer’s name; or
  • Marriage License; or
  • State of Louisiana issued gun permit; or

Transportation Worker Identification Card (TWIC card)

Neighbors Federal Credit Union is a full-service financial institution with branches serving the Southeast Louisiana parishes of Ascension, East Baton Rouge, East Feliciana, Iberville, Livingston, Pointe Coupee, St. Helena, West Baton Rouge and West Feliciana.

Commercial Credit Card

Commercial Credit Card Designed for Growth and Flexibility

  • Earn 1.5 points for every $1 spent
  • No annual fee
  • Employee cards at no cost
  • Efficient online account management