Mascot Checking raises $21,383

Neighbors contributed a combined $21,383 to 11 participating schools during the 2017-2018 school year.

Neighbors Way Tuition Assistance ceremony
Graduating Students from Mascot Schools Receive Tuition Assistance Awards


Neighbors contributed a combined $21,383 to 11 participating schools during the 2017-2018 school year through our Mascot Checking Program. The Mascot Checking Program invites schools within the Greater Baton Rouge area to participate by allowing Neighbors create a custom checking account for the school.

The checking accounts come with a school-branded debit card and Neighbors contributes money to the school for each debit card swipe. After the school has 100 active Mascot Checking accounts, the school earns ten cents per swipe. The schools earn five cents per swipe before the first 100 active accounts.

“It’s nice to see our Mascot Checking Program making a positive impact,” Neighbors President and CEO Steve Webb said. “This program continues to see tremendous growth, and we are pleased to provide a consistent revenue source for local education.”

Walker mascot Visa cardWalker High School earned the most contributions from the Mascot Checking Program this year with $10,120.

“I am very thankful to Neighbors for the Mascot Checking Account Program,” Walker High School Principal Jason St. Pierre said. “We use this money is used to help fund various programs such as our drone and TV program.”

Additionally, Neighbors invites the schools to annually select a graduating student to receive college tuition assistance from the Neighbors Capital Area Foundation. Next year, the foundation plans to grant $30,000 through the Neighbors Way Tuition Assistance Award.

The 11 participating schools include:

  • Baker High School
  • Baton Rouge Magnet High School
  • Central High School
  • Denham Springs High School
  • Lee High School
  • Live Oak High School
  • McKinley High School
  • Port Allen High School
  • Southern University Laboratory School
  • Walker High School
  • Woodlawn High School

You can support your favorite Mascot school by opening a Mascot Checking account of your own.