The Front Porch

3 Ways to Protect Yourself After The MyFitnessPal Hack

As you are likely well aware of by now, the popular app, MyFitnessPal had a historic data breach recently. This […]

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6 Questions You Should Ask Yourself When Managing Debt.

Many consumers will finance at least one purchase in their lifetime. This means debt will be a part of that […]

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4 Best Months to Buy a Car

CU Insight published the four best months to buy a new car. Here’s what they wrote: “From Mondays when business is slow […]

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Neighbors Plans to Give $30,000 in Tuition Assistance in 2019

With funds raised in 2018, Neighbors intends to award $30,000 in tuition assistance to 2019 graduating students at 11 participating […]

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Saving Your Emergency Fund For a Rainy Day

As tax season wraps up, you are probably wondering what you are going to use that refund on. Many people […]

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