Latest Scams Targeting People with Disabilities

  • March 1, 2024
  • Neighbors FCU

People with disabilities are increasingly becoming the target of fraud and scams that involve attempts to impersonate them, extortion of services, and outright theft and exploitation. It is important that we are all aware of these malicious activities so that we can protect those who may not be able to defend themselves. In this article, we will outline some common scams that people with disabilities fall victim to, as well as tips on how you can help protect your loved ones from harm.

Types of Scams Against Disabled People

There are a variety of different scams that target disabled people, and these can range from financial frauds to identity theft.

Fraudulent individuals often pose as government representatives to scam unsuspecting people on disability. In such cases, these scammers will call or email a person and ask for their personal information – usually so that they can update records, prevent them from losing benefits, or even help them access more benefits. It is then easy to lose vigilance when someone very kind and interested in the problem calls wanting to help.

Fraudsters often target people with disabilities, offering them promising opportunities such as the chance to work from home and make extra income. They tell their victims to apply for such a business or job by paying an upfront fee for materials and training – but this turns out to be nothing more than a scam. People should always remain vigilant against these kinds of scams and do research before investing money into any dubious scheme.

It is a sad yet familiar story for disabled persons – they receive calls informing them that they have won something in the lottery, only to be asked for personal information in return. What the caller fails to mention however is that no reward will ever arrive – all of their efforts are used by criminals instead to access resources from naive victims. If this happens, they will ask for payment via wire transfer to cover ‘taxes’ or ‘administration fees’ before the prize can be released to you.

Increasingly, fraudsters pretend to be part of an organization or church and requesting money for a fraudulent cause.

How These Frauds Are Committed

Scammers often use deception to obtain personal information and money from unsuspecting victims who may be struggling to make ends meet. They may contact potential victims with false promises of benefits or other financial gains in exchange for upfront fees or personal information such as bank account numbers or personal details. The scammers will then use this information to gain access to the victim’s bank accounts and withdraw funds without their knowledge or permission. Additionally, scammers have been known to use medical terminology to appear more credible in order to gain trust from their victims.

Who Is Targeted By These Scams

Disabled individuals are at an increased risk for being targeted by scammers because they often rely on government assistance programs. This makes them a prime target for those looking to illegally obtain funds from the government or personal accounts through fraudulent means.

Elderly people are also vulnerable due to impaired mental faculties which make them more susceptible to certain forms of deception associated with scams targeting the elderly.

Additionally, people living in poverty are more likely targets due to their inability to afford legal representation if they become victims of a scammer’s scheme.

Financial Losses Incurred By Victims

The financial losses incurred by victims of disabled people scams can be severe. In some cases, the losses may be a result of fraudulent investments, charities or other similar schemes. Victims who have been scammed may also suffer from loss of their personal information such as bank account numbers and passwords, National Insurance Number and other documents, which could lead to further financial losses from identity theft. 

In addition to these direct monetary losses, victims may suffer from an indirect financial impact due to their inability to obtain credit or loan applications approved as a result of their scam victimization. This financial barrier can make it difficult for them to purchase items they need to maintain their quality of life such as medical care, housing costs and transportation.

Psychological Effects On Victims

The psychological effects of being scammed out of money can be devastating for many victims. Even if the amount taken was small, knowing that someone took advantage of them financially can cause feelings of shame, guilt and distrust towards others in the future. Additionally, fraud victims experiencing a sense of betrayal and loss due to the scam may experience depression and anxiety which could last for months or years after the scam occurred.

Consequences For The Disabled Community

Although scams targeting disabled people are not limited only to those with disabilities, this particular population is particularly vulnerable due to its unique situations regarding employment opportunities and access resources that enable them to protect themselves against fraudsters.

Scams targeting disabled people can have negative ramifications on this population as a whole, making it more difficult for members within this community to secure loans or find employment opportunities due to fear that they will be targeted again because of their disability status.

Furthermore, scams involving disabled people can create a false stigma implying that all individuals with disabilities are untrustworthy or unreliable when it comes to finances, thus perpetuating inequality and discrimination within this population.

What Can Be Done To Avoid Being Scammed?

One of the most important strategies for preventing disabled people from falling victim to scams is to raise awareness and educate them about the different types of cons that exist today. 

One way to achieve this is through creating public awareness campaigns that focus on educating the public about disabled people scams. These campaigns could include educational materials, such as pamphlets and posters, which would outline the signs of a scam, common tactics used by con-artists, helpful tips for avoiding becoming a victim and information on where to turn for support if you suspect you are being scammed. 

It could also involve running workshops or seminars in areas with high numbers of disabled people, educating them in detail about how to spot a scam and what steps to take if they think they have been targeted or taken advantage of.

When it comes to preventing disabled people from being scammed, collaboration between authorities and disability organizations is essential. Both law enforcement agencies and disability-focused organizations should join forces in order to put forward ideas on how best to prevent such scams from occurring in the first place.

Best Practices For Avoiding Scams

In order for individuals with disabilities to protect themselves from becoming victims of scams, there are certain best practices they should be aware of.

Firstly, before engaging with any unknown person or business online or over the phone it’s important they gain a better understanding of what type of frauds could exist so that they can look out for any potential red flags or warning signs that something may not be right. Secondly, it’s always important that any personal details remain confidential – this includes financial details such as bank account numbers or even address information – so make sure no confidential information is shared without confirming first who is on the receiving end of any communication.

Finally, when dealing with transactions, it pays to always check independent sources to confirm that what has been said is true before sending money or signing a service contract – this may mean double-checking a company’s website or doing research online, as there are now many review sites that offer tips on reputable companies versus those that are scams.